ReAction Newsletter

ReAction: Quest 3 Peek, Android, and Documentary Incoming! 🎥

Greetings everyone!

We are hard at work on a new version of the game for the Meta Quest 3 and experimenting with mixed reality. Just to tease you, below is a brief video demoing our experiments so far. We tried going for hand tracking (no controllers) and might add it later, but our game and Meta’s hand tracking code don’t seem to like each other.

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ReAction: King’s Quest Celebrates 40 Years! 🤴

Greetings everyone!

Today is the 40th Anniversary of Roberta’s game series, King’s Quest!

It doesn’t seem possible that it has been that much time, but .. time flies fast when you’re having fun.

Yesterday, I recorded a video with Roberta. She’s normally pretty shy about doing interviews, but King’s Quest was always her passion. She talked for over 30 minutes!

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ReAction: Colossal Cave 3D Celebrates One Year! 🥳

Greetings everyone!

Today is the one-year anniversary of our Colossal Cave game release.
That said, it was not a relaxing year. Gamers are not shy about expressing their opinions as to what they liked and didn’t like about the game. It is critical to Roberta and I that Colossal Cave exceed player’s expectations. Rather than disband the team, we studied reviews, forums, social media, etc. for any way we could make the game better.

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ReAction: 🕹️ Out Now on PlayStation 4 & VR2 + Colossal Updates! 🤩🕹️

From the Desk of Roberta Williams …

I am very proud to announce our updated Colossal Cave 2.0, our new ‘enchanted cave’ version! I have always admired this historic text adventure, referring to it as deeply engaging and captivating — arguably the spark that ignited the onset of computer gaming – and have desired for many years to bring it to life with beautiful graphics, atmospheric sounds, and characters of charm…or roguery. This has always been an enchanted cave which – beware!

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ReAction: 🔦 Now on iPads and iPhones 📲 Plus 2.0 Update!

Greetings everyone!


Roberta and I are STILL working every day on Colossal Cave. We will soon be starting to think about what we’ll do next, but before moving on we want to make Colossal Cave as good as it possibly can be.

We have been working on version 2.0 of the game, and there have been a lot of updates.

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ReAction: 🕹️ Xbox Releases! 🕹️ New Website! Enchanted Version!

Greetings, Everyone! Roberta and I are on our boat now, cruising in Canada. We are enjoying our time on the boat, but we’re also still hard at work on our Colossal Cave game. Roberta is a perfectionist. I remember thinking last summer that we were almost finished with the game, but Roberta has continued pushing us. If someone on the team, or some reviewer, or some game player, sees something in the game that could be improved, Roberta insists that we “fix it.” She wants the game to be perfect before we move on to whatever comes next.

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New versions are still being developed and will be released soon. 

Plus, receive special insider information, a look behind the scenes, sneak peeks, and interviews as new versions are released. Don’t worry. We will not spam you, and we will not flood your inbox with too many emails — Ken Williams

Boxed Edition Pre-Sales until March 3rd!