The Making of Colossal Cave – Part 1

Yesterday my wife, Roberta Williams, said to me, “I know what your next project should be!” I cautiously asked, “What?”, assuming she had some new idea for a game. Instead, she said, “This isn’t the right time, but perhaps starting next summer you could write a book about, “The Making or the Remaking of Colossal […]

Fun with an intelligent creature

ChatGPT – First Look Many are predicting that the next big evolution of technology is Artificial Intelligence (AI).  For instance, Bill Gates said this on Reddit recently: “AI is the big one,” said Bill Gates […] “I don’t think [the web] was that big or that metaverse stuff alone was revolutionary but AI is quite […]

The End is Near

Table of Contents GREETINGS ALL! As I am typing this, Roberta and I are completing a long journey. A few years ago, we brought our boat, Sans Souci, back to its marina in Seattle after taking it around the world. There were a lot of emotions: The satisfaction of having done something few have done, […]

Where’s Pixie?

Table of Contents Greetings world!  I’ve been struggling with what to do about blogging. For the last couple of decades, I have had a boating blog. In each blog entry I agonize over how I’ll get the boat repaired, where Roberta and I will take the boat next, or even, sometimes, the fun we’re having. […]

Game Development Through The Ages

Marcus, one of our team members, pasted this into our Microsoft Teams chat yesterday. I’m not sure where he got it, or why he posted it to me, but it did start me thinking. When Marcus first posted that question, my immediate response was “Software development is tougher now than it has ever been.” I […]

May 18 Quick Update

Apologies for not posting anything in a while. That said, I have a really good excuse. We’ve been VERY busy. Roberta and I bit off more in doing this game than we thought we were getting into. I’ve been asked a few times, “If you had it all to do over again, would you have […]

Game Developers Conference (Wrapup)

Last month we did our big announcement of the game at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) in San Francisco. In the months prior to the announcement Roberta, I, and the whole team, were working long hours and weekends trying to get ready for the show. As in most things, first impressions are critical. This would […]

And So It Begins

This weekend we had our first-ever interview about the new game. The gentleman in the center of the picture above used to work at Roberta’s and my company Sierra On-Line.  Since that time, he has gone on to great success creating “Meta Jesus Rocks,” his own highly successful YouTube channel: Our big product announcement […]


March 6, 2022 Our team continues to expand. We now have 15 people working on the game!  There’s a side of me that really didn’t want that. The original vision for the game was that I’d do 100% of everything myself. I wanted it to be a nice, small, simple project that would be something […]

A Peek Behind The Scenes

We are now almost a year into development on the game. Each week I meet with the team to discuss where we are at and to strategize the week ahead.  At this last week’s meeting I sent out some thoughts on beta testing. Below is an excerpt from last week’s meeting agenda, only slightly edited […]



New versions are still being developed and will be released soon. 

Plus, receive special insider information, a look behind the scenes, sneak peeks, and interviews as new versions are released. Don’t worry. We will not spam you, and we will not flood your inbox with too many emails — Ken Williams

Boxed Edition Pre-Sales until March 3rd!